Tag Archives: tomatillo

Braised Ancho Lime Skirt Steak with Salsa Verde and Black Beans Mole

Braised Ancho Lime Skirt Steak with Salsa Verde and Black Beans Mole

I used to really enjoy my crock pot, because it enabled me to cook pretty decent meals while being lazy. I would have an optimum amount of time to play video games and then when Laura got home from work, I’d have this great meal ready. It would seem as if I spent all day cooking.

Ah, how things have changed so quickly 😉

Now the crock pot gets regular use because we still haven’t gotten the hang of the time management thing, what with our new variable needing constant feedings and changes. Our first night home from the hospital yielded a crock pot meal. Setting and forgetting really helps us focus on learning how to parent without having to settle for pizza or take out every night. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on January 27, 2012 in Beef, Entree/Main Dish, Food, Mexican


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